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Dr. Xian-Yu Wang

wangxianyu7 |

Dr. Xian-Yu's research interests involve characterizing exoplanets using observational data, precisely measuring stellar obliquity, TTVs, and other photometric and spectroscopic effects of exoplanets to advance theories on their formation and evolution.


Dec. 2024: New paper out! "From Misaligned Sub-Saturns to Aligned Brown Dwarfs: The Highest Mp/M* Systems Exhibit Low Obliquities, Even around Hot Stars" . Link
Oct. 2024: Warm Jupiter Alignement Paper has been featured by AAS Nova. See the wonderful article written by Ben Cassese. Link
Call for paper for Special Issue on "Formation and Evolution of Exoplanets" in Universe (Special Issue Editor: Xian-Yu ): Link

Department of Astronomy, Indiana University Bloomington
727 E. 3rd St., Swain West 319,
Bloomington, IN 47405